November 9, 2002

The meeting of the Dogtown Historical Society was held on November 9,2002 at the home of John Corbett 6314 West Park Avenue.

The meeting came to order at 10:02 am with 16 members in attendance: Sandra Brunsmann, Nina Bryans, Bob and John Corbett, Jim Glaser, Henry Herbst, Kristin Howard, Lavergne McVoy Lee, Tom Lenartson, Virginia Lopez, Duke McVey, Bill and Gerry Miller, Sally Sharamitaro, Justin Stein and Bill Vorbeck.

Minutes were read by Virginia Lopez and were approved as read.

Treasurer Report.

Jim Glaser said we have $1236.04 in the treasury. We recently received $10.00 in membership dues. $100.00 from the Paul Jovanovich Golf Tournament and $100.00 from Duke McVey to be used for refreshments at the December 8th lecture at St. James Cafeteria. This leaves a balance of $1446.04.


  1. Ed Cody had nothing to report on the 501C3 tax exempt status. Will follow through this week.

  2. Store Window Display

    Lisa Wade is in Columbia today on business. She is waiting for photos and narrative from Bob Corbett to finish Lehman Hardware’s window display.

  3. Certification of Dogtown Century Homes

    Bill Vorbeck said he is waiting until all the leaves are gone to take pictures of the homes. Bob Corbett said he would try to get students from Webster University to help certification of homes depending on the cost. Otherwise he would send a letter to the person owning the home and ask them to get certification of their home. He will also look into the cost of having a terra cotta or metal plaque put on the home.

  4. Grant

  5. John Corbett has not heard anything about the grant. Notification will be after December 5th.

  6. Speakers Series

  7. First lecture in the speakers series will be held on Sunday December 8th 2002 at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria at St. James School. The topic will be the 150th anniversary of the Missouri Pacific Rail Line inaugural trip through Dogtown. Then Henry Herbst will speak on the 100th anniversary of the Taylor City Belt Line Railway Company. Nina Bryans will contact various newspapers and organizations. John Corbett will have signs in local merchants windows and have flyers made to be put on counters in stores to be given out. We will also put a notice on St. James Lawn. Sally Sharamitaro agreed to be chairperson for refreshments which will be cookies, soda and coffee. Bob Corbett will bring his computer. John Corbett to video the meeting. Henry Herbst looked into renting a screen, cost will be $5.00 a day.

  8. Living History

    Duke McVey to have Kay Murphy and Bob McVey do interview with John Corbett


  1. Bob Corbett offered to have a table set up in his front yard the day of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and to have volunteers to give out information on Dogtown Historical Society to get new members. John Corbett may have his truck in the St. Patrick Parade.

  2. Sally Sharamitaro and Kay Richard completed the project on the 1870 census and submitted it to Bob Corbett to be put on the website. They will now start on the 1860 census.

Next meeting will be held December 14, 2002 at 10:00 am at John Corbett’s home

Meeting adjourned at 13:30 am.

Minutes submitted by
Virginia Lopez, Secretary


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Bob Corbett corbetre@webster.edu