February 11, 2006

CALL TO ORDER: – President, John Corbett, called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. at the St. James Rectory. Thirteen people were in attendance: Bob Corbett, John Corbett, Didi Gardner, Greg Gardner, Henry Herbst, Geraldine Kaegel, Rose Kennedy, Virginia Lopez, Bill Miller, Gerry Miller, Kay Richard, Sally Sharamitaro and Dorothy Tarne.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2006 meeting. A vote was taken and the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer Didi Gardner gave the treasurer’s report for January 2006. Previous balance was $2,555.91, deposits totaled $80.00, no checks were written. The ending balance for January was $2,635.91.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the January 2006 treasurers report. A vote was taken and the report was approved.


Speakers Series – Sally Sharamitaro presented the Speakers Series report.

2006 DHS Speakers Series Schedule:

  • February 19, 2006 -- History of the Muny Opera -- Speaker, Laura Peters Reilly
  • Summer/TBA -- Forest Park Highlands - - Speaker, Doug Garner
  • October 15, 2006 -- Taylor City Belt Railway Company - - Henry Herbst

    Muny Program

    Plans are in place for our first program of 2006, “The History of the Muny Opera” next Sunday, February 19th. Press releases have been sent, flyers mailed.

    Sally asked for help from the members to transport the archives from Bob’s house, but Bob replied that he could use his wheeled cart to transport the cases down the steps and across the street, but would really appreciate help in packing them up and getting them up the steps and into his house following the program.

    Forest Park Highlands Program

    Sally emailed Doug Garner to ask the name of the person who suggested that he give his Highlands program at the new Highlands at Forest Park Hotel. Doug wrote back that the email was from the Harrickgroup attention: Joe Hartness. Doug will let us know more as he knows more. He did also state that he was told “they” are behind schedule and don’t think that they will make the April 1st deadline.

    Sally called the Hampton Inn 1-800 number to get the name of the manager for the new hotel. She was told that the opening date will be May 1, 2006 and that the general manager will be Erich Smith, and the Sales Manager will be Stephen Baalmann. When asked for the telephone numbers the operator said she found only an area code in the current Hampton Inn telephone directory.

    Sally will stay in contact with Doug Garner and will follow up with the Hampton Inn managerial staff whenever the telephone numbers become available.

    St. Patrick’s Parade – Fundraising – Bob Corbett reported that St. Patrick’s Day is on Friday in 2006.

    He said we still have a total of 50 shirts unsold

    Discussion followed on whether the DHS needs to buy more shirts. There were suggestions for buying both short sleeved tee shirts and sweatshirts when next we order.

    It was the consensus of the members that we sell what we have and hold any re-orders until next year. The price will remain $15.00 per shirt.


    Benches along Tamm Avenue – John brought samples of several benches he found available on the internet. The cost depends on the style and the material, but on average would be approximately $500.00 each. The new ones are made of a material called Plasticol which is washable and requires no painting.

    John will follow up with the local alderman and business owners at several locations. Some owners have already indicated that they would be pleased to have the benches in front of their establishments.

    Donors will be sought for each bench, and a plaque will be fastened with the donor’s name(s). John has a list of several DHS members willing to be donors.

    Route 66 Designation Signs – John reported that he heard from his contact person in Springfield Missouri regarding the Route 66 signs. The secondary and tributary streets are covered by a grant. The time frame is one year. The only cost would be for installation by the street department.

    Filming of Sister Marie Lee – John shared that the Living History team was able to video tape their interview with Sister Marie Lee of the Deaconess order. Sister Marie Lee grew up in Dogtown and lived on Victoria. She was having a good day and her memories were sharp, he said. Sister told the team that she used to walk by O’Shea’s often in those days but it wasn’t pretty. John said that she recalled several conversations between herself and Father P.J. O’Connor, and that they were hilarious.

    Bill Miller suggested adding Mrs. Rupp to the list for future interviews.

    Ghost Signs – The time has come for a calculation of costs so that funding for the ghost sign project can be confirmed.

    The painter of the sign on the north facing wall of Seamus McDaniels indicated that he would be interested in being part of the DHS ghost sign project.

    Henry will follow up and contact both painters for estimates.

    NOMINATIONS 2006 –

    Nominations for Officer/Board Positions - 2006 - Bob Corbett announced that he will be presenting eleven nominations, two officers and nine board members whose terms expire in 2006.

    Board Members

    Two of the current board members whose terms will expire in 2006 will not seek re-election. Therefore there are two board positions to refill/replace. Two new board members have been nominated, Tom Haller and Gerry Brady Miller.


    John Corbett agreed to be nominated for another term as President, Sally Sharamitaro did not agree to be nominated for a second term as Secretary. There are no other nominations for Secretary.

    Bob explained that of the two DHS positions that Sally Sharamitaro holds, the Secretary position was the most important to the DHS, therefore he asked if any of the members present would be agreeable to take the position of Chairperson of the Speakers Committee. No one came forward. Bob then gave Sally the option of resigning as Chair of the Speakers Committee if she would accept re-election for DHS Secretary. Sally agreed.

    Bob then announced the eleven nominations for board and officers for 2006 and asked if there were any other nominations from the floor. There being no additional nominations, John called for selection by acclimation. A motion was made and seconded. A vote was taken. All nominations were elected unanimously by acclimation.


    New page on the Dogtown Website – Bob presented to the members a new project that will add greatly to the historical content of the Dogtown Website.

    At the Missouri Historical Society Library there are guide books that are invaluable to any genealogist. They are a version of the St. Louis City Directory. Persons are listed by last name, first name, and occupation, at times a wife’s name, and always an address or residence.

    Bob is most interested in the guide book for 1918. He explained that the Missouri Historical Society only allows research via hand copying the data from the book (no xeroxing) with a pencil, a very time consuming process. This edition also has a reverse directory by street. This reverse directory lists every person and/or business at every address on every street.

    The other concern is, though the Library does have some street directories on microfilm, this particular edition is not, and it is deteriorating very quickly. In beginning the project starting with Tamm Avenue, he has already located the W.T. Coin Tavern.

    Bob knows of a student who is looking for work and willing to do some of this hand copying and would help him document every person/business on every street in Dogtown in 1918. He would then enter that information into a spreadsheet and from that onto the Dogtown Website.

    Bob asked if the DHS would approve $200.00 for this research project. A motion was made and seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed.

    Funds for Advertisement - Bob suggested also that the DHS pay for a fourth page ad in the St. James Little Shamrock Basketball Tournament program. A motion was made and seconded. Vote was taken and passed. $50.00 will be sent to pay for the ¼ page ad.

    The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. The next meeting will be Saturday, March 11, 2006, at 10:00 a.m., St James Rectory 6401 Wade Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63139

    Respectfully submitted
    Sally Ryan Sharamitaro
    Secretary, Dogtown Historical Society


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    Bob Corbett
