September 11, 2004

CALL TO ORDER: Vice President Virginia Lopez, in the absence of President John Corbett, called the meeting of The Dogtown Historical Society (DHS) to order at 10:10 a.m. at the St. James Rectory with a moment of silence for the victims of September 11, 2001.

Fourteen people were in attendance: Bob Corbett, Didi Gardner, Mildred Hefele, Henry Herbst, Betty Hodap, Rose Kennedy, Virginia Lopez, Bill Miller, Gerry Miller, Dawn Owen, John Rooney, Sally Sharamitaro, Rachel Storch and guest Dorothy Tarne.

Virginia reported that DHS President, John Corbett has filed as required, our annual report with the Secretary of the State of Missouri.

Minutes of Last Meeting - Minutes for the August Meeting were read by Sally Sharamitaro. There were no corrections. The minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer Rachel Storch, reported that we have a balance of $5,079.19. Rachel then announced to the members that due to an illness in her family she would be unable to continue her duties as Treasurer.

Vice President Virginia Lopez accepted Rachel’s resignation, and opened the floor for nominations for the temporary replacement of her position as Treasurer, until the term expires in March 2005.

Bob Corbett opened the nominations, offering Didi Gardner’s name. There were no other nominations. A vote of the members present was taken. Didi Gardner was voted as replacement Treasurer, through March 2005. Rachel Storch then turned over the DHS Treasurer’s books and records to the new Treasurer, Didi Gardner.

  1. Living History Committee – No Report. However, several names were mentioned as additions to the interview list. John Rooney suggested his Aunt Pat. Bill Miller suggested Dolores Thiele.

  2. Speakers Series Committee – Sally Sharamitaro reported that the program. “The History of Dogtown Soccer” was a success. There were 69 attendees. Many attendees were members of the St. Louis Soccer Hall of Fame and three were the last living members of the 1950 U. S. World Cup Soccer Team.
  3. The guests enjoyed the panel discussion very much, some joined in to share their own memories and added names to the team photos projected onto the wall.

    The items of soccer memorabilia on display attracted lots of attention among the Hall of Famers. And the tables with non-soccer related Dogtown memorabilia were enjoyed by all attendees also.

    Special thanks to: Duke McVey, Bob McVey, Irvin Schurwan, Henry Herbst and Bob Corbett for their participation in the panel discussion. And to the many others without whom this event could not have been such a great success.

    The event was underwritten by John Corbett in memory of his mother and father, Robert C. and Louise Corbett. Expenses totaled $446.54, Donations totaled $600.54.

    Henry Herbst said his one regret is that we didn’t ask the three members of the World Cup Team sign one of the flyers. It would be a wonderful addition to the DHS archives. Bob and Henry will follow up and attempt to gather those signatures.

    The next Speaker Series event; “The Founding of Forest Park and the Separation of the County from the City”, Peter Puleo speaker, will be held on November 7, 2004.

    The Speakers Committee did not meet in August. A committee meeting will be scheduled for this fall to discuss the events for 2005.

  4. Century Home Committee – Bill Miller reported that a new order for 21 plaques has been placed with the Webster Tile Co. The time frame for completion is uncertain at this time. The tile company will notify Bill when the order is ready.

    Bill announced that the second Century Home plaque is now on display. Please see the Century Home at 1219 Childress.

    Bill also mentioned that he has tested regular photo hanging wire and he thinks that it’s a workable option for hanging the Century Home plaques.

  5. Civil War Days in Cheltenham --Virginia reported, in John’s absence, that the Civil War Days in Cheltenham is on schedule for October 17th, and that John will secure the necessary city permits.

  6. Archives/Donations – No Report.


Muegge Paintings: Bob gave the members a bit more background on his past attempts to acquire copies of the Muegge paintings. It has been years since his initial discussion with the Missouri Historical Society Library staff. He feels that Nina and Duke are the perfect members to take over this task. Duke has friends who are members of the Society and Nina will continue to follow up on every telephone and email contact.


As archivist, Bob Corbett took the opportunity to remind the membership that now is a good time for all members to become more active in the DHS. Currently there is a need for folks to step forward and choose a project that interests them, maybe even to chair a committee and take on a new project. There are many ideas for projects that need a leader. Bob plans to send an email plea to the Dogtown list.

Henry informed the members that as a member of the Eureka Historical Society, he sees the same situation in their organization. However, he wanted to report that one of their most successful projects has been the Eureka Historical Society Calendar for 2005. It cost $1700.00 to print 1000 copies. The society sold $4500.00 in advertisements. They plan to sell the calendars for $5.00 each. Henry thinks it would be a worthwhile project for the DHS to consider.

Henry invited everyone here to stop to see his Tyrolean Alps memorabilia on display on the table near the stairs.

And Bob reminded everyone that Mrs. Hefele brought some handwritten school notebooks, that were her mothers, for display.

Meeting adjourned 10:45 a.m. Next meeting will be October 9, 2004 at 10:00am in St. James Rectory, 6401 Wade Avenue.

Respectfully submitted
Sally Ryan Sharamitaro
Secretary, Dogtown Historical Society


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Bob Corbett
