September 15, 2012

CALL TO ORDER – President John Corbett called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. at the home of John Corbett at 6314 West Park Avenue, St. Louis, MO. Six members were in attendance; Bob Corbett, John Corbett, Bill Miller, Gerry Miller, Carol Nemeth, Sally Sharamitaro.

Meeting Minutes - A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the April 14, 2012 meeting. A vote was taken, the motion passed and the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Bob Corbett presented the new treasurer’s report. The DHS has an ending bank balance as of July 31, 2012 of $5,360.39 (August bank statement was late). The most current treasurer’s reports are posted on the Dogtown website. A motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report. A vote was taken, the motion passed and the treasurer’s report was approved.


Street Musicians Festival 2012 – John is excited about this year’s Festival. Not only that Charlotte Peters will be the honoree, and that her family will be here, and the plaque is ordered. But he says that the musicians are excellent for this year’s Street Musicians Festival.

John distributed copies of the Festival Budget and his very detailed “Plan for Festival Day” itself. There will be some changes of locations, ie., the stage, amplifiers, etc..

Each of the twenty four acts will be introduced before their shift begins, each will play a favorite song that can be heard by the judges before the musicians go to their assigned location. There will be a total of three shifts of eight acts.

Plans for trophies have changed accordingly. There will be a trophy for “Best of Show” for each shift and one for “Best Song”.

John mentioned again his plans for the future for the festival that includes a plan to expand it to two days. He stated that the restaurants in the neighborhood are in agreement.

Soldier’s Memorial Project – John announced that he has located a cannon for the Dogtown Veterans Memorial. It will be an authentic sized cannon, and will require a concrete pad that will accommodate it. He reassured the members that it was for display only and will not be fired.

John has gotten estimates for the proper installation and everything that will be needed. He is also preparing the paperwork for the Parks Department, photo, etc.

He asked for a motion to be made to set aside funds for the cannon.

The motion was made that $1500.00 be set aside to pay for the cannon project. The total would include the St. Louis City Park permit and would be contingent on half of the total cost be paid from new donations. A vote was taken, the motion passed and the motion was approved.

Historian/Archivist – - DHS Historian Bob Corbett had no report at this time.

Liability Insurance Policy – John informed the members that he followed up with our carrier and our Liability Insurance costs will not be going up.

NEW BUSINESS – Bill Miller brought to the attention of the members several neighborhood news items:

The Dogtown Business Association cleaned up the lumber yard and announced several upcoming activities; including a golf tournament in October.

Bill also reported that for the new apartments being built at the Arena site, with courtyards, rent will start at $2000.00 per month.

Bill also announced that Zoo staffers will attend the next Clayton-Tamm Association meeting to discuss what the new project will mean to the neighborhood. And that the recent Neighborhood Watch Meeting at St. James School was a success.

The meeting adjourned at 11:11 a.m. The next meeting will be October 2012 at 10:00am. An email will be sent to all list members announcing the meeting, date and location.

Respectfully submitted,
Sally Sharamitaro
Dogtown Historical Society


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Bob Corbett corbetre@webster.edu