February 12, 2005

CALL TO ORDER:Vice President Virginia Lopez, in the absence of President John Corbett who is recovering from an automobile accident, called the meeting of The Dogtown Historical Society (DHS) to order at 10:10 a.m. at the St. James Rectory. Twelve people were in attendance: Nina Bryans, Bob Corbett, Tom Haller, Henry Herbst, Rose Kennedy, Virginia Lopez, Bill Miller, Gerry Miller, Kurt Odendahl, Kay Richard, Sally Sharamitaro and Kelli Vincent.

Minutes of Last Meeting - The minutes of the January meeting were read by Sally Sharamitaro. There were four corrections: 1) Living History: the spelling of Wilma Messel’s name; 2) Living History: Nina asked to have the video camera from John Corbett for the next interview; 3) Terms of Office: Bob wanted to remind the members that at the March meeting there will be two Board Member terms that will be up for renewal; Virginia Lopez and Didi Gardner the replacement for Rachel Storch as Treasurer; 4) Ghost Signs: There was a lively discussion about ghost signs and wall painters, and the book ”Ghost Signs” by William Stage. A motion was made by Henry and seconded by Bob to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report -Sally Sharamitaro read the treasurer’s report for January, as the Treasurer, Didi Gardner, was unable to attend the February meeting. The beginning balance was $3681.76, deposits totaled $230.00, one check was written for $46.00 (framing). The ending balance as of January 31, 2005 was $3865.76.

  1. Speakers Series Committee – Sally Sharamitaro reported on the upcoming Speakers Series event, February 20, 2005: “Letters from Dogtown”. The program will include readings from two historical sources on Dogtown; Father P.J. O’Connor and Helen Scherzinger, with small bits of commentary added. Bob Corbett will do the readings and the commentary.

    Bob spoke for a few minutes about his planning and about the readings for the event. He is in the process of selecting and organizing, by topic, his selections from the Scherzinger book; “Letters from Dogtown”.

    A discussion followed about the set up for the Sunday evening program and the speaker’s need for a lectern and a light. Several members offered their help, Nina and Virginia will set up the registration table and Gerry Miller will get the snacks.

  2. Century Home Committee – Bill Miller reported that the committee has not met to discuss the 1905 listing of Century Homes. No new plaques have been displayed.

  3. Civil War Days in Cheltenham -- No Report

  4. Archives/Donations – Rose Kennedy donated five handmade soft protective bags for the five framed copies of the Muegge prints, which can now be transported more safely in the new carrying bags Bob purchased last month.

    Bob went on to state that he is pleased to report that the DHS archives collection continues to grow.

    He also reported that he contacted the Missouri Historical Society to follow up on the digital copies of the Muegge paintings.

    Benefits for John and Terri Corbett - Bob reported on the two Benefits held for John and Terri Corbett. Both were very successful. He estimated that there may have been between $9,000 and $10,000 collected at the first benefit given by local Firefighters at St. James School, a dinner and silent auction.

    The second benefit was a Mouse Race and silent auction held at the Electricians Hall. John was transported in his wheelchair via a special van for a short time and was happy to be able to greet and thank many of the attendees, family, friends and Dogtown neighbors. Bob estimated that $8,000 may have been raised at the second benefit.

    All of the funds collected will be put into a special account and will be used to cover any outstanding bills.

    Other Business

    St. Patrick’s Day Shirts – Bob brought a chart to the meeting that he created last year for the number of shirts purchased and sold. He has 10 XL shirts unsold from last year’s order.

    After some discussion, he recommended that we order 20 XXL, 45 XL, 20 L and 20 M sized shirts, and that they be white with green lettering with the year added (2005). A motion was made to accept Bob’s recommendation. The motion passed. The order should take approximately three weeks.

    New Business - None

Meeting adjourned 11:00 a.m. Next meeting will be March 12, 2005 at 10:00am in St. James Rectory, 6401 Wade Avenue.

Respectfully submitted
Sally Ryan Sharamitaro
Secretary, Dogtown Historical Society


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Bob Corbett
