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From: ViandeMoulue@aol.com

Dear all,

I received email like this in my email boxing pocket:

"In a message like this, sent for to Viande Moulue on May 10 and May 11, of year 2003 on America On Line AOL for Du Tuyau, message read:
<<Du Tuyau, I thought you would take up on the subject and issues at hand, the Vodou question that is, and express your beliefs or non-beliefs>>"

So now I answer little bit like this for all who want for me to say what I think.

First, I am man who a little cautious. So I no take strong position for Voodoo, against Voodoo, for Catholic religion, Protestant religion, no religion. I always stay in between, and from the "in-between", I move right, left, and center. After all my good friends on list for Mister Corbett who ask me same very exact same question they ask Ipolit Piè and Mambo Rasin, after all my friends, the true secret of life and the very source of life itself, has always been, for ever since Adam and Eve, "in between". If you playing soccer and you want to win match, you have to shoot ball in-between filè-net; same for Basket Ball; for Golf, in a little small hole ... oh oh, almost all games interesting have in-between goal. So me too, I stay in between.

I think Ipolit Piè (oh I sorry, Hyppolite) say thing like he say thing. That's what he say is what he say. I think Mambo Rasin say thing like she say because she experience like she has experience and she loves her experience so she knows what she say but I don't know if she right, wrong, or in-between with her logically rationality for rationalism.

So for and to all of you my friends Corbett list people, that what is what I think truthfully for real no lies or lying to you.

Onè (Honor), Respè (Respect). Bay lwa yo manje so give food to the lwas.

I go to Church now, (whatever church my church is) for little praying for Haiti.

Du Tuyau think always in-between