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27987: Allen(announce)documentary 2-27-06 "Failing Haiti" WLRN 11pm (fwd)

From: "allengatorz@juno.com" <allengatorz@juno.com>

Monday, February 27th, at 11 pm

Political intrigue, corruption, drug smuggling, international power struggles, covert militias trained and funded by shadowy figures, and a seemingly never-ending series of policy blunders: these are the themes that describe Haiti ’s recent history with the U.S. Through the perspective of two administrations’ handling of Haiti , we can see why the U.S. has difficulty in implementing the export of democracy, and building respect for human rights. The music and mystery of Haiti will provide a frame through which we will see what took place in the recent change of government in Port-Au-Prince . From a wide variety of sources in Haiti, including the deposed Aristide government, the insurgents, and the US embassy, we attempt to unravel the violent events leading to the February 29th departure of President Aristide.

The film seeks to examine why international efforts continue to fail to make a difference in the lives of Haitians. Interviews with key political players in Haitian and U.S.-Haitian politics provide insight into why Haiti has suffered misgovernance for so long. Archive footage of key events is intercut with recent footage of political demonstrations, UN activities, urban and rural daily life, and Vodou festivals. "Failing Haiti" explores the end of Jean-Bertrand Aristide's presidency, and the role of the U.S. in his February 2004 ouster.

This film is a story about the continuing tragedy of Haiti . While this program does not profess to know the solutions to these problems, one thing is clear: whatever the foreign community does with Haiti , it needs to be different than what has been tried in the past. After the departure of Aristide, international governments and lending institutions have pledged $1.4 billion to help rebuild Haiti . This isn't the first time this has been tried. The U.S. and other governments, under the umbrella of the UN, also attempted it following the restitution of Aristide to power in 1994. That effort failed. Now observers wonder if anything will be different a second time around. Has the West learned anything from its failures in Haiti ? Has Haiti learned anything from its own internal failings? "Failing Haiti" seeks to answer these questions.

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