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#55: Fw: Haiti and AIDS : Verrier points to source

From: CARLINE VERRIER <carline.verrier@gte.net>

Haiti and AIDS


The following attachment can be found in AAFP's website
Once you are in their website do a search for "AIDS and HIV" or
"Patient info on AIDS and HIV" and you will see the following

American Academy of Family Physicians distributes handouts regarding
information about AIDS to educate the general public. This is great;
however, in their handout there is a section which states that "Here

a list of people who are at high risk of HIV infection:...anyone who
has lived or was born in an area where HIV infection is common, such
as Haiti... "

If you feel the need to respond to their Outpatient Information on
AIDS, here is their address:

American Academy of Family Physicians
8880  Ward Parkway
Kansas City, MO 64111
(816) 333-9700

Email:      fp@aafp.org

Please pass this information along to others in the Haitian


---------------------- Forwarded by Eddy Romulus/PrivBank/PHL/PNC on 06/22/99
10:01 AM ---------------------------

"Romulus, Rudy" <Romulusr@vlasic.com> on 06/22/99 09:47:56 AM

To:   Eddy Romulus/PrivBank/PHL/PNC@PNC
Subject:  Haiti

Women and HIV Infection   <patient.html> <<...>>  Patient Information

What is HIV and AIDS?
     HIV (which stands for human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that
destroys the immune system. The virus affects certain white blood cells,
called T4 helper cells, which help the body fight disease. Over many years,
the white blood cells are destroyed. The body then has a weaker defense
against infections such as lung infections, mouth infections and eye
infections. Some forms of cancer, such as lymphoma or cervical cancer, may
also occur. When infections and other problems occur, the person is said to
have AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).
How do women become infected with HIV?
     HIV is spread through contact with blood or semen of a person
infected with HIV. This can happen during sex. It can also happen when
needles are shared with a person infected with HIV. People who inject drugs
might get HIV if they share a needle with an infected person. In the past,
HIV was also spread through blood transfusion. Blood donations are now
tested for HIV, and HIV-infected blood is destroyed. HIV is not spread by
casual contact such as hugging, kissing, holding hands, sitting on toilet
seats or sharing clothing.
     More than half of women who have HIV got the infection from sexual
partners. A woman can be infected by contact with a man or contact with
another woman. When a woman has sex with an infected man, she has a high
risk of getting HIV if a condom is not used properly. Ask your physician for
instructions on proper use of condoms.
Who is at risk for HIV infection?
     In the early days of the AIDS epidemic, HIV infection appeared to be
confined to certain groups, including intravenous drug users, men who have
sex with other men and persons with hemophilia (a blood-clotting disease
that requires treatment with frequent blood transfusions). People with
hemophilia got HIV from receiving blood transfusions with blood that
contained HIV. Getting HIV from blood transfusions is no longer a problem
because there now are tests to screen blood for HIV infection.
     These days, HIV infection is much more widespread. Here is a list of
people who are at high risk of HIV infection:
*    Men who have sex with other men.
*    Anyone who has multiple sex partners.
*    Anyone who has sex with a prostitute.
*    Anyone who shares needles using illegal injected drugs.
*    Anyone who exchanges sex for drugs or money.
*    Anyone who has a sexually transmitted disease.
          *    Anyone who has lived or was born in an area where
HIV infection is common, such as Haiti.
          *    Anyone who received a blood transfusion between 1977
and April 1985.
          *    Anyone who has had or currently has a sexual partner
with any of the above risk factors.
     Since most people who are infected with HIV appear healthy, a blood
test for the virus is necessary to see who has the infection. People who
have a positive blood test for HIV are called HIV-positive. Ask your doctor
how to obtain confidential testing for HIV. Your doctor can help you
understand what the test results mean.
     The only sure way to keep from getting the AIDS virus is to not have
sex at all or to have sex only with a partner who does not have HIV
infection. Avoiding contact with human blood and not sharing needles are
also important steps in avoiding HIV infection.

Rudy Romulus.

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