August 10, 2013

CALL TO ORDER – President John Corbett called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. at the Tamm Avenue Grill at 1227 Tamm Avenue, St. Louis, MO. Eleven members were in attendance; Bob Corbett, John Corbett, Lucy Corbett, Tom Corbett, Tom Haller, Rose Kennedy, Bill Miller, Gerry Miller, Carol Nemeth, Sally Sharamitaro and Rich Sprandel.

Meeting Minutes - A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2013 Meeting. A vote was taken, the motion passed and the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Bob Corbett presented the most current treasurer’s report. The DHS has an ending bank balance as of July 31, 2013 of $8,826.97. A motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report. A vote was taken, the motion passed and the treasurer’s report was approved.


Veteran’s Memorial Project – John outlined the plans for the Dogtown Veterans Day/Weekend Dedication at noon on November 10, 2013.

The cannon will be dedicated to 1st Lieutenant Ronald Paul Winters by the placement of a marble plaque in front of the cannon. Special thanks extended to the DHS member who donated the funds for the dedication stone

John said that If there are 10-15 new pavers, they will be dedicated on the same day, but there needs to be at least ten to make the total cost (pavers, equip.,etc) affordable.

Street Musicians Festival 2013 – John announced the changes for this year’s Street Musician’s Festival on September 21, 2013, also fund letters will be mailed next week.

There will be no judges this year, and the only trophies will be for the most 1$ votes from the audience. Crystal Brown will be the Master of Ceremonies. The entertainment will begin at noon with the winner of last year’s Festival and others performing.

Then at 1:00 pm the first set of musicians will be introduced, will play one song before they move to their assigned stations. The other sets will follow as per schedule.

Historian/Archivist – - DHS Historian Bob Corbett had no report.


Sustainable Dogtown. There was discussion regarding a new entity in the neighborhood, called Sustainable Dogtown. This group plans to have an EXPO booth at the Musician’s Festival. The leaders have asked the DHS to allow them to utilize the 501C3 status for mailing a Sustainability and Asset Mapping survey to the neighborhood of Dogtown.

A motion was presented and seconded to approve the mailing permit for the Sustainable Dogtown survey to 7000 homes. A vote was taken and the motion passed.

DHS bylaws. Bob reported that after re-reading our by-laws he found one area where we are not in compliance and another area where we might consider a change.

The meeting adjourned at 11:01 a.m. The next meeting will be September 2013 at 10:00am. An email will be sent to all list members announcing the meeting, date and location.

Respectfully submitted,
Sally Sharamitaro
Dogtown Historical Society


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Bob Corbett corbetre@webster.edu