CAROL SCHWAB @ webster university - math&computer science

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Introduction to DPGraph software

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What is DPGraph?

Over one million mathematicians, physicists, teachers, and students use DPGraph.
The world's most powerful software for math and physics visualization. Create beautiful, interactive, dynamic, photorealistic 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D and 8D graphs. Includes hundreds of examples contributed by users from around the world. Used for algebra, geometry, trigonometry and general physics, through multivariable calculus, field theory, quantum mechanics and gravitation. Use time and color as extra dimensions (to create motion or encode momentum, for example). Use the scrollbar to vary parameters in realtime, to slice through graphs, or to vary transparency. Programmed entirely in assembly language for maximum speed. Graph functions, equations, conic sections, planes, spheres, toruses, parametric curves and surfaces, implicit equalities and inequalities, volume intersections, volumes of integration, vector fields, surfaces of revolution, equipotential surfaces, and much more, in rectangular, polar, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates.

To download DPGraph, click on the Access DPGraph link. Follow the instructions.

*For Windows XP, 2000, NT, and 98 Operating Systems only!

Sample DPGraphs to download

Click on the name of graph icon below to download/open the .DPG file. Once downloaded, start DPGraph and OPEN the file by navigating to its location.


DPGraph graphs implicit 3D equations, so the sphere x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 9 is as easy as GRAPH3D(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2 = 9) or GRAPH3D( RHO=3 ) in spherical coordinates. No need to solve for z or to use parametric forms.

Multipoint Equation

DPGraph can plot multiple equations. To show students three planes intersecting at a point, just GRAPH3D( (X=1, Y=1, Z=1) ).

Implicit Plots

Regular z=f(x,y) plots are special cases of implicit plots. Here is GRAPH3D(Z = 6*COS(X^2 + Y^2)*E^(-SQRT(X^2 + Y^2))).

2D Graphs

You can set DPGraph's parameters to do 2D graphs, too. This graph lets you use DPGraph's scrollbar to change the variables A, B, and C to explore the classic sine curve y=a sin(bx+c) using GRAPH3D((Y = A*SIN(B*X+C), X=0, Y=0)).

2D Level Curves

As with 3D, DPGraph can display 2D level curves. This is handy for viewing everything from complex variable conformal maps to the characteristic curves of partial differential equations. Here's a snapshot from a movie of equipotential lines "flowing" along streamlines from the source on the right to the sink on the left. You can use DPGraph's scrollbar to adjust A (the distance of the source or the sink from the origin) and C (the strength of the source or the sink from the origin).


One way to make a graph move is to use DPGraph's scrollbar to slice through it in the x, y, or z directions in real time. Here's a movie of the slicer sweeping through the previous level surfaces, showing what the inside of the graph looks like.

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